Technology, Home Improvement

Have you scheduled home repairs? Here are tips to keep your home safe

home repair

Property ownership comes with numerous challenges. One of the big questions in any homeowner’s mind is how to keep their homes safe during upgrades and maintenance sessions. Note that a DIY approach isn’t safe, and that means you must invite an expert to your home.

While inviting someone to your house to handle a few repairs sounds harmless, it’s not uncommon for people who handle repairs to return as burglars. Actually, they utilize the opportunity to visit your house in the name of handling repairs, only to come back later to steal some of the valuables they saw in your home.

home repair

A recent report from the FBI indicated that home burglary is a widespread threat to homeowners. To prevent such threats, it is recommended to have a closely monitored security system on your property. In case you are getting repairs done within your home, here are some of the things you can do to ensure those repairmen don’t return as burglars.

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Don’t hand over your keys to the repairmen

If you cannot be at home during the indoor repair session, get a trusted friend or relative to be at home at that time. You can also reschedule the appointment. Handing over your keys to the repairmen to access your property when you are away could mean potential security problems such as making a copy of your keys.

Beware of burglars who disguise as repairmen

home repair

There are countless repairmen scams that still circulate. Every year, law enforcement gets reports from property owners who fall victims to such scams. Burglars who disguise as repairmen use that opportunity to check your house, identify a way of accessing, and later return to steal your valuables.

Beware of people who claim to be emergency workers or city employees, unmarked van or truck driving around in the neighborhood, and solicitors offering low-price home repair services. If you allow the wrong people in your home, there is a good chance you will be robbed. Just as you would get an experienced attorney to explain whether or not accident settlement taxable, focus on getting a reputable home repair contractor to handle your remodeling, upgrades, and home repair projects.

Keep those lovely, valuables out of sight

home repair

Consider locking your gold jewelry and your best friends, diamonds, in a cabinet or even safe. Put away your medication and small electronics such as cell phones. When you are not looking, someone can easily slip these small items into a backpack.

Hire professionals only

It is recommended to hire the professionals you trustfully. In case you don’t know such an expert, ask for recommendations from friends and family. Besides, you should check their reputation by analyzing reviews from their previous clients.

home repair

In case you don’t get reliable details online, consider contacting the Better Business Bureau to get more information about the company. Remember, your home is a valuable asset, and you should always keep it from the wrong people such as burglars.

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