
How Metro Shoes Captured the Indian Market?

Metro shoes, incorporated in 1947 by Malik Tejani, is a renowned brand in the shoe segment. Until 2013, the brand was well-versed in catering to a particular segment of the customers, the 30+ generation.

Metro Shoes

This had its own parcel of benefits as well as downsides. While Metro Shoes became infamous amongst a generation, it failed to attract another.

Therefore, in an effort to revamp the business, Metro Shoe authorities and the team decided to restructure the brand altogether.

Metro Shoes

The motive was to capture the attention of the younger generation by catering to their requirements as well. In the process, Metro Shoes online store was established to facilitate online shopping. Apart from this, various aspects were considered under the makeover program. Here, we have identified some of these aspects in detail.

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Turning to buyers in 20’s

Metro Shoes have been a favorite amongst the older lot from the 30s and above. The sophisticated feel resonates better with the elders rather than the younger lot. While this was beneficial in creating a niche in a particular segment, Metro Shoes thought of expanding its reach amongst the masses. Hence, the “Shoes for a New Race” campaign was initiated. What was this campaign all about?

Metro Shoes

Here, the “Race” term specifically hints at the young generation of the 20s. On average, a consumer in their 30s would opt for a maximum of three purchases in a year with respect to footwear. On the other hand, a young consumer will purchase five times a year. This clearly indicates the market scope. Hence, Metro Shoes decided to dive into this niche with its new tagline – Shoes for a New Race.

Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns also aimed at resurrecting the image of Metro Shoes as a happening shoe brand catering to diverse footwear buyer’s niche. Previously, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor appeared on all the marketing campaigns such as outdoor, print, and digital marketing.

Metro Shoes

Now, the couple has been replaced by the foreign models flaunting an impressive range of Metro footwear. What was the idea behind this makeover?

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According to sources, roping in foreign models imparts an international outlook to the campaign. It helps in competing with the international brands and poses Metro Shoes as the brand that can meet the international standards. Further, the taglines in the campaigns were surely captivating and rebellious, perfect for the younger generation.


For example, “Look before you Leap” has been transformed into “Leap before you Look” and “Better safe than sorry” into “Don’t be safe nor sorry”.

Talking about the marketing campaigns that went on floors, Metro shoes focused on three aspects – outdoor, print, and digital marketing. The idea was to maximize the reach of the targeted customers. Hence, TV campaigns were ruled out.

EOSS Unique Proposition

The End of Season Sale (EOSS) is an important proposition for every brand for selling maximum products and building a strong market presence. Metro shoes adopted an innovative strategy named



“A Night Market Sale”. The sale was specifically open to online customers before it hit the floors of the offline market. This campaign can be categorized under digital marketing.

To enhance the reach, Metro shoes collaborated with the top five bloggers. These bloggers were active in the footwear niche and they had considerable influence on the buyers. Further, they had a strong social media presence that assisted in spreading the reach.

Metro Shoes

The highlight of the campaign was that the deals and discounts were available to the bloggers before these were available to the consumers. The bloggers shared their information regarding the products and deals. In return, the deals garnered the interest of the customers, thereby, boosting sales.

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